Your Independent
Technology Advisors
At Torque IP we’re not aligned with particular brands or services. We provide independent advice and solutions that are tailored to your business needs, not our partner relationships.
Independent Security Advisors
We provide independent security advice specialising in the technologies that make our buildings and working environments secure.
Project Management Services
We are project managers experienced in managing major building technology projects involving hundreds of sites for large clients including the Ministry of Education.
Independent Technology Advisors
We're specialists in designing and building smart building systems. We design extra low voltage (ELV) services that integrate infrastructure with end-user equipment to provide the best experiences for users.
Digital Twins and Droning
Digital Twins provide a highly accurate, high-resolution 3D model that can help everyone involved in a project save time and costs by providing detailed site information without the need for a site visit.
Asbestos Management
The presence of asbestos on building projects has the potential to cause serious problems if not managed correctly. We’re experienced managers of asbestos removal projects, ensuring projects come in on time and budget without issues.
Sustainability Solutions
Torque IP has been involved in a number of Greenstar, Neighbours, Energy Management and ECCA initiatives since 2010. We are now progressing towards Toitu Certification and working with clients on technology solutions that deliver a more sustainable outcome at lower costs.
Independent Technology Advisors to:
Our Experience
Our project managers and designers are experienced in delivering specialised projects in multiple sectors, including Education, Health and Aged Care, Defence, Commercial, Local and Central Government.
Third NZ Schools Public Private Partnership Project (PPP3)
The PPP3 schools comprised of two converged secondary school and three primary school campuses catering for a student roll of approximately 4,500 students.
Christchurch Arts Centre – Large Campus Heritage Buildings
The project includes work on 23 buildings of which 21 are listed with the NZ Historic Places Trust – Pouhere Taonga.
Large Retirement Villages
Torque IP is responsible for professional design and engineering services across 10x large scale villages in Christchurch, Nelson, Wellington, Auckland, Waikato and Napier.
Regional Council (North Island)
A Regional Council engaged Torque IP as independent consultants to guide them through the design and integration of a Passive Optical LAN for their new corporate office building.
Local DHB
The projects required services engineering inclusive of design of the structured cabling system, CCTV, Nurse Call System and the Security System.